AW related websites (2022)


This is an updated list of websites related to Activeworlds for 2022, you can find them in different categories : about objects and object paths, about world hosting , about bot programs, about specific 3d worlds, etc.
Previous overviews were made in 2015 , 2017 and 2019.



*1* Most popular websites
This is the website where you can download the AW program, download objectpaths and utilities, and find links that might be helpful.
There is also the Store, where you can purchase worlds and purchase bots that you can use in those worlds.
This supportive website shows all building commands. There is also an overview of bots, utilities, communities, worlds.
There is an overview of the AW version upgrades in detail. There is also an overview of RWX scripting commands (for 3d modeling)
This is the offcial Facebook group of Activeworlds, with announcments of events and other posts.
This website -> with AW-news, events, world explorations, building commands, modeling, textuing, using bots, etc.
Website that shows users stats and world stats (from 2014 till april 2019) , and citizen properties in building worlds , (+ bot programs (see below))
Website with data before 2019. (citizens, worlds, badges, truespace , newsgroups.)
*2* Bot-related websites :
https://www.activeworlds.com/sdk.php -----> service development kit with the aw.dll (to get bot programs running with the lastest aw version)
imabot.com ----------> preston * bone * nestor * alphamapper
turtleflight.com -------> magsbot * rpgbot
aw-softstar.se -------> jabb_lite * fastword * lecture helper * chatbot
squailboont.info/ ----------> hermes * demeter
imatowns.com/xelagot/index.html ---------> xelagot
shoemakervillage.org ----------> demeter * paintball * votebot * AW utility
https://www.activeworlds.com/utils.php ----> backupaw * magsbot * xelagot * emover * jabb_lite
*3* World hosting websites :
hoziron.ch---------->(hosting by Arsène)
rjbradio.com/worldhost.html -------> (hosting by Dovestar)
awlife.org ---------> (hosting by Maxpoly)
snowshoe3d.com ----------> (hosting by Thunder Jack)
*4* Objectpath -related websites :
This is the new download webpage for the uberpath. (Karten has stopped with hosting the uberpath world & website in december 2022)
alusion-fr.com (--> the url link does exist. Or type alusion-fr.com/an1.htm for the pages in english)
Free models , avatars, textures ,etc. (website in english and french)
Freeware + payware models . Tutorials about Multizip, texturing and object tagging.
Free models and textures, + tutorial links +useful links
Free models + sprites + links
Textures + avatars. Building tips , scripting , various conversion tools etc. (models can't be downloaded anymore)
Tartsugar's texture website : the textures are not visible on the website, but you can view them in the Yards of Alphaworld that she mentions.
Freeware + payware models,avatars. 3d tools , useful links , +tutorial : avatars.dat
(website in french) Freeware models+skyboxes. Picture of ancient french worlds. Links.
*5* World -related websites :
home.futurerpg.net/ -> supportive website for the world FutureRPG
Here you will find the complete information about how to play this RPG game , including the command list
swcity.net -> concerns SWCity, the largest building community town in Alphaworld.
A interesting part of the website is the building academy , with lots of useful building tips : swcity.net/academy/index.php
Another interesting part is SWCity interactive, with online games in SWCity :swcity.net/www/interactive.php
belfalas.de/dachs.htm -> supportive website of the world Tolculda (the world has gone down but website still exists)
There are payware+ some freeware models & avatars
derrickwoodham.net Supportive website for the world Daap (world about digital art)
massimogreco.xyz Supportive website for the world Hyria


*6* blogs - forums - newsletters :
forums.activeworlds.com ( -> now only via access in the AW-menu : options - tabs (F9) -> tabsheet : Notepad )
https://discord.gg/DthrmkEj (= AW Discord group -> for those who don't use Facebook or the AWForum )
https://discord.gg/2cWxrBHK (= Activeworlds French Discord group )
activeworlds.com/newsletter/archive.html ( = aw newsletters from 1998 till 2011) * multiple tutorials
pbwhite.id.au/yellowg/ ( = newsletters made by Apooka and Ozman) = yellow gazette * multiple tutorials
en.calameo.com/accounts/3293205 ( = magazines published by Smaug) = aw world magazines
en.calameo.com/accounts/3572809 ( = magazines published by Horsy)
fragmotion tutorial (in french) * aeolia objects (object yard in 1 magazine) * legoland (lego objects)
awbuilder.blogspot.com (=blog made by Hyper Antony) * multiple tutorials
facebook.com/groups/activeworldsgroup/ (= alternative AW Facebook group )
*7* Music & video -related websites : (with url-links for the media command)
rjbradio.com (= by Dovestar) -> http://streaming.live365.com/a47897
pktoons.com (by Class 3) --->
venice3d.net/2019people18.html -> list of Youtube videos about AW worlds ,builds , etc...
*8* Other websites