Ko Toff's NW2K Railroad
This article is about a railway network created by : Ko Toff (#111213) in Alphaworld. She has been building this railway network throughout the years.. The remarkable thing is that she managed to make an un-interrupted railway line up to only 200 cells away from the AW landing zone of Alphaworld from 1995 !!!
For the exploration, we start with the closest point, and that is on position 198N 508W , which is the railyard station. From here we explore the track to the North.

  The Seasons


The world TheSeasons is owned by : Cereza (#352854) and she is from Chili she speaks english and spanish. Her world is divided into 4 quadrans, each section represents one of the 4 seasons. She got the help of Chazwick (#103092). The world started in the summer of 2020 , but remained closed until the grand opening on 26th of december . There was a party afterwards as well !!

The world TheSeasons - panoramic view