22nd june 2018
  Activeworlds 23rd Anniversary Party
There is no community picture this year, due to the fact Bach Zhaa (#360197) has been banned from Activeworlds. He was each year in charge of the realisation of these pictures.
In spite of this sad news, there were still some people prepared to have the annual AW Anniversary Party, which has been hosted in the world AW911 on 22nd June. ( The AW birthday is 28th june).
The party lasted all night long, here you have some pictures when the party started. These are some of the citizens during that party : GolderUK, Keshi, MeL , MaxPoly, zforest, GoodPerson, DearHeart , Professor Vegas, Paul Breitner, Memyself, Nursemom, Kahless, and MRRM.