  Wings3d (version 1.5.3)
Wings3d is an openscource modeling progam, this means that it is freeware. The program has new upgrades each year. The program is very easy to use : the menu is simple. It is also a popular progam for modelers in Activeworlds, because you can export the models in the .rwx-format and use them directly in Activeworlds, without needing to convert the models first.You can download the program from the website wings3d.com , the most recent version is version 2.1.7. (stable release). The tutorials that you will find here were made with version 1.5.3.(in 2013), but few things have changed since then, so you can use this tutorial. You can still download all the old releases, and use the same version as this tutorial !!!
For the tutorials below, there have been used existing tutorials made by Keshi (#352322). In the world Winter (82n 598w 1a 180) , Keshi (#352322) has established in 2010 a modeling school for Wing3d objects. Later, these tutorials have been made in AWTimes, in view of having an additional and different tutorial approach of these models and also for having tutorials of these models in french and in dutch.
Nowadays , Keshi has set up a modeling school for Wings3d in her world !!AVines. There you have a lot of other lessons and tutorials, which you can also download. You won't find the tutorials of these models on this website.

Click upon the buttons below :
Wings3d : Overview of the Wings3d menu.
Wings3d : Selections -- Hotkeys -- Dimensions
Wings3d : Use several objects -- Adding textures
Tutorial in french :
Tutorial in dutch :
Making a wizard-plate... (made by Keshi)
Making a fancy goblet ...(made by Keshi)
Making a column .... (made by Keshi)
Making a barrel