28th nov.2015 - 16th jan.2016
  Winter Holiday Village IV
The 4th edition of Winter Holiday Village building contest started on 28th november 2015 and ended on 10th january 2016. This time the building contest was in the same area as the previous contest. And the theme for this contest was "The Village Commons, Crafts and Tradesman". Participants area : Winter 651N 2024E.
The Awards Ceremony was on 16th january and everyone gathered around the tower clock. (Winter 635N 2000E).


The 3 winners receive a SnowGlobe Trophy and terrain rights in Winter.

The 3rd prize was for Iao Moonshadow with the "Patchwork Paradise Quilt Shop" . She wins 200 AW credits.

The 2nd prize was for MsT with the "Winter Cola Bottling Company". She wins a p10 world and 100 credits.

The 1st prize was for Chocolateberry with the "Collin's Christmas Trees and Trim Crafters". She wins a p20 world and 100 credits.

Other nice builds are Dodgy's Sleigh Maker , Toxor's Snow Scooters and Nursemom's Winery and Candle Shop.

Patchwork Paradise Quilt Shop

Winter Cola Bottling Company

Winter Cola Production Line

Collin's Christmas Trees and Trim Crafters

Collin's Production of tree skirts and christmas ornaments

Collin's Christmas tree production.

Apart from this contest, there were also other activities in Winter Holiday Village, such as the  Winter Holiday Fun Party on 26th december on the Ice Rink , with Mind Games, and the weekly Candyland Games (see previous AWTimes article) . And on 8th and 9th January there was the Winter Holiday Village Parade.