Imagine you have a huge treehouse , which is so high that it's reaching the sky. That what you can build in Activeworlds, and use some imagination when exploring. Nimbus land is part of the SWCity area and is located at the west of the Faldon desert.
Starting point of this exploration is AlphaWorld 2339S 3479E facing W , where you go upstairs and after a while you will realize that you are climbing into a huge tree. At the first treehut stop you will see some SWCity inhabitants behind some counters, because this is considered as a toll bridge. As you are climbing up the stairs in zig-zag lines, following the huge tree trunk, you will start approaching the clouds in the sky. As the climbing requires a lot of effort, you could rest for a while and have a drink at the mango bar. |
Once you have reached the clouds , you will notice that the staircase stops just below Nimbus Land. Finally a kind of vacuum-pump corridor will warp you up into Nimbus Land. From this point you can start exploring the paths in Nimbus land, or you can also go down again. You are now at an altitude of 220 meters. You can also start exploring from here : 2342S 3466E 23a
When looking up, you will see the tree top, which stops at 280 meters. We decide to go first to the west side and just beside the tree top, there is the Nimbus Palace, where you will find guards at the entrance. Inside, you will see the king upon his throne. |
Now we continue exploring along the paths, which are connecting several cloud island platforms , which are located at different heights. On these cloud platforms, you will find the typical houses of Nimbus Land with the rounded roofs, but not all houses are build in this style. Nimbus Land can provide in its own energy , there are several windmills and underneath the houses you will find solar panels. There are shops, hotels, restaurants and there is also a smith.
Some areas are very foggy, you have really the impression that you are somewhere in between the clouds. All buildings at a wider distance have a white, foggy silhouette. This fog is created by using zones. |
Nimbus is easy to visit, because the area is not very large. At one path end , on position 2357S 3446E 23a , you will find a teleport entry to "Airspeed". Airspeed is a dexterity game. On another path end, you will find "SWcity real estate lots" , these lots are offered to be used for other builders, which means that Nimbus can still be expanded.
Nimbus has been created already in 2002 by Ferruccio(345061) and Syntax(#308403) , and they had built only a several cloud formations with some houses and small buildings. Also SWChris(#306637) added a few clouds areas in 2006.
When Activeworlds introduced particles emitters and zones , there were new possibilities of making clouds and fog, which caused a building revival in Nimbus Land. Most of Nimbus land as we can see now, has been built by SWChris in 2009 and 2010, including the giant tree, the paths, the palace , etc. But when looking at this older picture of Nimbus Land, when there still weren't any paths, you can say it has been a remake of the whole Nimbus area. Also the circular houses have been remade, after a new prim building set had been added to the object path of Alphaworld. |